NEW! Breakfast Blend
Our top seller at our new take-out coffee shop! (Of course, we open at 7 am, so maybe that has something to do with it :-)
Ease into the morning with a wonderfully fragrant, mellow, yet rich and complex, blend of 3 super-premium coffee origins. The base is 17-time International Award-Winning Brazil Adrano in a Light/City roast, paired with 30% aromatic Sumatra Samosir Island Dark Roast and just a touch of Vietnamese Highland Robusta. This is a medium-level caffeine coffee with exceptional house-filling aroma and gentle but firm tastebud-awakening flavor! Len liked to splash a little on his face as a bracing morning refresher. (No, he doesn't really.)
Try the coffee that cuts through the morning fog like a searchlight and makes you feel that life ain't quite so bad! (Just don't read the news at breakfast, lol.)
8 ounces, please choose drip grind or whole bean.